Why You Should Watch Out For Ingrown Toenails

An ingrown toenail will occur at the corner or sides of your nail and dig into the skin. It happens pretty frequently, and if left untreated, it can cause problems that will quickly become more serious. The big toe is the most affected area, though it can occur on the other four. Many different things will cause ingrown toenails and knowing what can cause them will ensure that you can avoid them.

What Causes Ingrown Toenails?

  • Having an irregular shape—if you have a toenail with an irregularly curved shape; you are twice as likely to encounter this issue.

  • Improper hygiene—taking care of your feet is crucial and keeping them dirty and sweaty causes bacteria and issues to occur. You should keep your feet clean and ensure that they are dry.

  • An injury—if you have had a toenail injury such as dropping something on your toe or stubbing your toe, you will experience ingrown toenails because the nail may grow indifferently.

  • Cutting your nails incorrectly—when you trim your nails the wrong way, and, commonly, you will experience ingrown nails because the nail will grow incorrectly. You should trim your nails across the nail in a straight manner and ensure that you don't curve them or go too low.

If you have diabetes, doctors recommend that you never cut your nails and let a podiatrist do it to ensure they perform the proper method. In addition to this, you should check your feet daily and look for pain and swelling around your nail. Those are signs of an issue. If you find that you have ingrown toenails, go to a podiatrist immediately before infection takes place.

When pain occurs from ingrown toenails, it can be hard to deal with. But that pain doesn't have to run your life. See a podiatrist that can offer the help relief that you need.  Dr. James C Ricketti, in Hamilton Square, New Jersey, specializes in the best and most innovative solutions so you can be healthy and happy. Dr. Ricketti has fantastic experience and offers excellent treatment that can help you feel better. Contact us today at (609) 587-1674 for an appointment.


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