Ankle Fractures Can be Dangerous for the Elderly

Ankle Fractures can be overwhelming to anybody, but the elderly can be especially susceptible to this awful injury. Simple ankle fractures, described as compound fractures from general and routine activities, can significantly impact an elder person’s life expectancy.  High-intensity ankle fractures, however, occur from severe trauma such as in sports or an accident. These fractures may not heal properly for an elderly patient since other foot complications that develop with age can interfere with the process

Treatment for this condition includes:

  • Participating in physical therapy to get the ankle moving again.

  • Losing weight to help alleviate pressure from a recovering ankle.

  • Immobilizing the injury. This can be accomplished via the use of casts or boots to help protect the ankle, which may be required for up to three months. The ankle’s bones must be fully aligned otherwise arthritis can result later on and cause painful complications.

  • Surgery may be required when conservative treatments such as immobilizing the fracture are not successful. This will involve an incision on the ankle whereby injured bones will be set correctly and stabilized with a metal apparatus. The above-described casts and boots will be required thereafter to allow for full a recovery and to prevent future complications from occurring.

Recovering from an ankle fracture can be a daunting task for anyone. When an elderly individual sustains such an injury, it can prove disastrous due to longer than usual recovery times and loss of mobility.

Contact James C. Ricketti, DPM and let us address all your foot and ankle needs. Our board-certified podiatrist will tailor treatments based on your individual needs and with our state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment options, we’ll help you get back on your feet in no time! Call our office today at 609-587-1674 to make an appointment at our conveniently located Hamilton, NJ office.


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