Is Pain Getting in Your Way?

Have you found yourself frequently noticing a nagging pain in your feet or ankles? Nearly 1 out of every 3 people in the United States alone experience foot or ankle pain, yet less than half of those affected will see a foot doctor to address their issues. Persistent foot problems can make you feel like getting active and physically fit is unattainable. Seeing a foot doctor, or a podiatrist, at least once per year can help keep that nagging pain in check and keep you on the right track when it comes to getting fit.

There are plenty of ways to get active, even during the colder months, without putting too much pressure on your feet or ankles. These types of exercises are called 'low impact' exercise and the options are nearly endless!


Weight Lifting - Lifting a set of weights requires very little effort on your feet's part! Most often, lifting can be done in a seated position as well to reduce fatigue.

Cycling or Biking - Depending on the intensity, biking and cycling work your whole body while putting minimal pressure on your feet and ankles due to your weight being evenly distributed.

Rowing or Kayaking - When rowing, you rely on your upper body and arms entirely. Your feet and ankles get to relax as you push your upper body using your knees!

Hiking or Climbing - The great thing about hiking and climbing is that you get to choose the difficulty by researching your chosen trail ahead of time. A short hike with a steep incline will reduce foot fatigue but do wonders for your cardio needs!

Yoga or Pilates - These two activities are relaxing, renewing, and wonderful for improving your stability and circulation. Best of all, it's easy on your feet!

Swimming - Thanks to physics, swimming is the lowest possible impact sport you could imagine. Not only is it low impact for your feet, but it's also virtually no impact on your entire body!

Walking - The great thing about being bipedal is that it encompasses many different activities in one: hiking, using an elliptical or stair master, golfing, or simply taking a walk in the park.

Contact James C. Ricketti, DPM and let us address all your foot and ankle needs. Our board-certified podiatrist will tailor treatments based on your individual needs and with our state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment options, we’ll help you get back on your feet in no time! Call our office today at 609-587-1674 to make an appointment at our conveniently located Hamilton, NJ office.


Keeping Your Feet in Mind


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