Facts About Enchondromas

An enchondroma (pronounced en-kon-DRO-ma) is a non-cancerous tumor found in the bones. They are often found in the small bones of the hands, but also frequently develop elsewhere in the body. Your podiatrist is an expert in diagnosing and treating enchondromas in the bones of the feet, ankles, and legs. 

Enchondromas are usually asymptomatic. That is, they don’t usually cause pain or other problems that lead you to a doctor. Instead, most enchondromas are discovered during the diagnosis and treatment of another illness. For example, a patient might be getting an x-ray related to a foot and ankle injury, and the enchondroma might be noticed. 

People between the ages of 10 and 20 are most at risk of enchondromas. They occur equally in males and females. No one knows what causes an enchondroma to develop. Doctors theorize that it happens when cells turn into cartilage instead of bone. They are not believed to be the result of exposure to any environmental factors. 

Most enchondromas are solitary tumors, and they are almost always benign and do not require treatment beyond careful monitoring. Occasionally, in patients with other conditions including Ollier’s disease or Maffuci’s syndrome, multiple enchondromas may occur, leading to increased risk of bone deformity. When bone deformity or malignancy is a risk, your doctor may suggest the removal of the tumor. 

If you are worried about enchondroma, or if you have any other concerns about the health and wellness of your feet, ankles, or lower legs, a visit to your podiatrist is in order. With years of specialized training and experience, a board-certified podiatrist is the best-qualified medical specialist to diagnose all illnesses and injuries of this part of your body and treat your issue with state of the art technology.

Contact James C. Ricketti, DPM and let us address all your foot and ankle needs. Our board-certified podiatrist will tailor treatments based on your individual needs and with our state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment options, we’ll help you get back on your feet in no time! Call our office today at 609-587-1674 to make an appointment at our conveniently located Hamilton, NJ office.


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