Senior Feet Have Unique Health Care Needs

As we age, our health care needs change. We are more likely to experience chronic illness or discomfort throughout our bodies and, unfortunately, our foot health is at risk. The good news is that, with a careful plan to cultivate good habits and ongoing care from a board-certified podiatrist, you can limit your risk.

Here are some good habits to cultivate in the New Year:

  • Get to know your feet! Inspect them regularly. If limited range of motion makes it hard to see, ask a loved one to have a look or put a small mirror on the floor and use it to assist you. Report any changes to your foot doctor right away, especially if you have diabetes. Those with diabetes are more likely than others to experience diminished sensation that can lead to unhealed wounds and infections.

  • Practice good hygiene. Wash your feet daily with an antibacterial soap. Dry them well, especially between the toes. Keep toenails trimmed. Never round the corners, as this can lead to ingrown toenails.

  • Wear sensible shoes every day, especially in the winter. Choose comfortable footwear made of natural, breathable fabrics. Laces or adjustable straps will help you customize the fit, but go with a slip-on if they’re easier to manage. Make sure that your shoes have wide, roomy toe boxes and low heels. Rubber soles will improve traction.

  • Reduce your risk of falling to prevent foot and ankle injuries. Keep a tidy home with floors that are free from clutter. Improve balance by adding a weekly gentle yoga or tai chi class to your exercise routine.

  • Visit your foot doctor at least once a year for an examination. With years of specialized training and experience, your podiatrist is the best-qualified medical professional to diagnose and treat any existing or potential issues.

Is it time for you to see the podiatrist? Contact James C. Ricketti, DPM and let us address all your foot and ankle needs. Our board-certified podiatrist will tailor treatments based on your individual needs and with our state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment options, we’ll help you get back on your feet in no time! Call our office today at 609-587-1674 to make an appointment at our conveniently located Hamilton, NJ office.


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