Are Barefoot Bunions and Infections in Your Future?


Remember how fun it was to run with bare feet as a child? You may find it tempting to do it as an adult, but you shouldn’t. By walking barefoot in moist places, or your home, you could be putting yourself at risk for painful foot problems. Luckily, a podiatrist can help get your feet back into tip-top shape!

What Occurs When You Walk Barefoot?

  • Infections—bacteria can build up when you walk barefoot. That will lead to infection and fungal toenails.

  • Athlete's foot—this condition will cause an unpleasant odor and occurs when the feet sweat and most commonly found between the toes.

  • Bunions—a bunion is a bulge on the base of your big toe. It will swell, have inflammation, cause pain, and it will limit the movement of your big toe.

  • Hammertoes—a hammertoe occurs when your toe has a downward bent. Over time it will cause discomfort as you walk. It will also cause pain, swelling, and inflammation.

  • Shin splints—shin splints occur when you have swelling of your lower legs. You may experience pain that leads to a fracture if untreated. You may also experience tenderness and redness near the ankle.

  • Heel pain—heel pain can lead to additional problems if left untreated. You can experience heel spur, plantar fasciitis, or Achilles tendinitis, which can cause pain and discomfort.

If you have diabetes, walking barefoot is something you should avoid. Because the skin of diabetic feet is so delicate, you will be twice as prone to skin fissuring. That will increase the chances of infection and other issues.

If you are experiencing any of these issues, you should contact a podiatrist immediately. They will be able to make sure that your feet get healthy.

You don't have to let your pain run your life. See a podiatrist that can offer the help relief that you need.  Dr. James C Ricketti, in Hamilton Square, New Jersey, specializes in the best and most innovative solutions so you can be healthy and happy. Dr. Ricketti has fantastic experience and offers excellent treatment that can help you feel better. Contact us today at (609) 587-1674 for an appointment.


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