How Age Will Affect Your Feet

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As we get older, our feet undergo profound changes. Foot problems become frequent, and they will need care. Because your toes get stiff, you can experience hammertoes, discolored nails, and as your feet get older, corns, bunions, and poor circulation, as well as heel pain, could be the norm. Regular visits to the podiatrist become vital.

Conditions That Appear As You Get Older

  • Brittle nails-one of the issues of brittle nails is it can be a symptom of hypothyroidism.

  • Burning and tingling sensations- like the brittle nails burning and tingling sensations can be a system of HIV, kidney disease, and a plethora of other issues. It could also mean you have nerve damage or hyperesthesia.

  • Plantar Fasciitis-the number one problem for heel pain. A podiatrist will have solutions, including custom orthotics, and help with the ache and inflammation.

  • Cracks and swollen heels-as skin loses its elastin; it cracks and hardens. It is also painful, and swelling is a sign of needing to go to a podiatrist immediately.

  • Morton’s Neuroma-this is a common problem in older people. It is painful, and if you suffer from this issue, you will need to change your shoes and immediately stop wearing heels. 

  • Numbness, discoloration, or cold feelings- are also signs of diseases, though discoloration can indicate oxygen loss or frostbite.

If you see these issues appear on your feet, you need to seek a podiatrist and medical help right away. It's normal for a foot to age and have problems. When you get older, it could mean you are sick with a severe issue. Custom orthotics may help you prevent foot issues as well. Staying on top of your feet will give you the best chance to fight infection and problems that cause loss of mobility.

Problematic issues with your feet shouldn’t be ignored. That can lead to additional issues later on. Make an appointment with a foot doctor who can help treat you.  Dr. James C Ricketti, in Hamilton Square, New Jersey, can handle any foot issue. Dr. Ricketti’s experience can offer the best treatment and help you to have healthy feet. Contact us today at (609) 587-1674 for an appointment.


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