Stress Fractures Versus Ankle Sprain
In the event that you find yourself injuring your foot, do you know how to tell the difference between a fracture and an ankle sprain? Trick question! In most cases, it’s very difficult to differentiate a stress fracture from an ankle sprain by merely looking at it. A real diagnosis will always require an evaluation by a medical professional, but there are some tips and tricks you can keep in mind to know just how urgent it is that you have your foot checked out by a foot doctor.
Symptoms will you find in both sprains and fractures:
Unable to bear weight
Symptoms you will likely only find in sprains:
Muscle spasms or weakness
Limited movement
Symptoms likely to only be present in fractures:
Complete inability to bear weight
Severe bruising
Visible break
Extreme pain
It’s important to note that both fractures and sprains have many overlapping symptoms, but in fractures, these symptoms tend to be more visibly severe. While the pain of a severe sprain can be nearly the same as a fracture, a more severe break will be much more immediately debilitating. Both sprains and fractures can result in swelling, bruising, and difficulty bearing weight, but sprains can sometimes still bear some weight with a limp. With a fracture, this simply won’t be possible - unless you’re somehow related to a superhero! Fracture or sprain, it’s strongly discouraged to try and walk on it or at all until you’re able to be treated by a medical professional.
Have you ever experienced an ankle sprain or foot fracture in the past? Especially when it comes to ankle sprains, following up with your podiatrist is an important step to ensure your feet and ankles stay on the right track. Repeated injuries to your feet can lead to several issues over time, like flat feet or weakened ankles that are prone to re-injury. Call us today at (609) 587-1674 to schedule your next appointment with Dr. James C. Ricketti or Dr. Stephen J. Skokan at Hamilton Square, NJ!