When You Prevent Falls, You Prevent Injury

Falling can occur at any age at any time. However, as we get older, we face a threat more than ever because of mobility issues. One fall when you get older could break a bone or worse. Thankfully, there are some simple yet innovative options for avoiding falling and ensuring your body is strong.

  • Know your medicine—many adults take medicine for various health issues. These pills have side effects that could make you dizzy or sleepy. Tell your doctor right away if this happens to you as both of these issues contribute to falling.

  • No more drinking—you will need to cut alcohol out of your life as even a slight amount is enough to topple you over. As an older person, you become more likely to break bones when you drink.

  • Keep your activity up—even if you can't work out because of health issues; you should try and do what you can. Your doctor will make you aware of what is safe and what isn't. Keeping active allows you to remain strong, which helps fall prevention.

  • Be careful as you tread—when you walk on wet surfaces, you will slip. The same is valid with ice. Be careful, and if possible, walk around the area instead of through it.

  • Ask for help—tell your doctor and podiatrist if you have trouble falling. Both people will be able to help. Your doctor may prescribe a walker or cane, and a podiatrist can provide physical therapy to help strengthen your legs and feet.

  • Changing your shoes—instead of the shoes you are wearing now, you should opt for a low heel, rubber-soled, non-skid option. In addition to this, you need a sole that is not too thin but not overly thick either.

When fear of falling occurs, it can be frightening. But the fear doesn't have to run your life. See a podiatrist that can offer the help relief you need.  Dr. James C Ricketti, in Hamilton Square, New Jersey, specializes in the best and most innovative solutions so you can be healthy and happy. Dr. Ricketti has fantastic experience and offers excellent treatment that can help you feel better. Contact us today at (609) 587-1674 for an appointment.


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