Easy Life Hacks for Happier Feet

Easy Life Hacks for Happier Feet

We all know how exhausting and time-consuming it can be to keep ourselves happy and healthy most days. For those of us that walk on two feet, taking care of our feet and ankles can really start to feel like a full-time job once we hit our 30s and older. What many people don’t know is that there are a few simple and easy ways to prolong the health and longevity of our feet and ankles. Here are a few life hacks for happier feet:

Replace those old shoes - we completely understand the sentimental value some pairs of shoes can have for us, but when the relationship between your shoes and your feet are anything but beneficial...it’s time to replace them. Old shoes can lose their supportiveness and loosen up, preventing your feet from being properly aligned and supported.

Massage it out - nothing feels better at the end of a long day than a massage, especially when our feet are involved! Your day was long, but imagine how your feet and ankles feel after supporting you throughout the day. Relieve both mental and physical stress that can cause your feet to fatigue faster on a daily basis.

Keep it hydrated - when it comes to hydration, drinking plenty of water is important, but wants to remind you about the benefits of regular moisturizing. Providing your skin with proper internal and external hydration can relieve dry, cracked skin that can lead to painful infections and athlete’s foot.

Now that your thought process is focused on life hacks for happier feet, we bet you’re thinking of other ways to keep your feet happy! Be sure to check in regularly with our podiatrists, Dr. Ricketti and Dr. Stephen J. Skokan to keep an eye out for any physical changes in your feet. Call us today at (609) 587-1674 to schedule your next appointment in Hamilton Square, New Jersey.


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