Don’t Let Athlete’s Foot Get You Down

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Athlete’s foot can be an extremely uncomfortable condition that can cause scaly rashes, irritating burning and constant itching. However, though it may be annoying, there are ways to ensure that this condition is taken care of and won't come back.

Prevent Athlete’s Foot

  • Never reuse your socks—wearing socks multiple days in a row creates moisture. That, in turn, makes bacteria and fungus as they love damp places.

  • Always keep your feet dry—this is important to remember whether you are at home or anywhere else. Moisture collects most often between the toes, increasing your chance of experiencing issues. To keep this from happening, ensure that you dry your foot thoroughly.

  • No going barefoot—in locker rooms, pools, bathrooms, or any other place tempted to go barefoot, don't. The floors are usually contaminated, and bacteria are quickly spread. In these areas, adopt the use of flip-flops.

  • Change up your routine—instead of wearing the same shoes day after day, change up your routine and switch your shoes every other day. It gives them time to dry out after you use them.

  • Powder can help—use an antifungal powder on your feet daily can protect them from contracting this issue.

Know what materials your shoes are constructed with. If a shoe made of rubber or vinyl, you should know that your foot can't breathe. Because the shoe can't either, this means that your foot is at risk. Instead, opt for shoes that can breathe, are made with the proper materials, and fit your foot well. A shoe that is too tight will create excess sweating.

When you suffer from athlete’s foot, don’t let it get you down. See a podiatrist that can offer the help relief you need.  Dr. James C Ricketti, in Hamilton Square, New Jersey, specializes in the best and most innovative solutions so you can be healthy and happy. Dr. Ricketti has fantastic experience and offers excellent treatment that can help you feel better. Contact us today at (609) 587-1674 for an appointment.


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