Preventing Your Toenails from Experiencing Multicolor

When your toenails experience a color change, it means you are experiencing an issue with your feet, but it can also mean you have a problem with your body that you may not be aware of. When the issue has been resolved, you may be wondering how to keep these issues at bay. Thankfully, there are various simple solutions that you can utilize to help you keep your toenails the right color.

Avoiding Discoloration in Your Toes

  • Cleaning your feet—wash your feet and moisturize them when you have finished.

  • Keep your toenails groomed—keeping your toenails clean and appropriately trimmed is essential for ensuring your feet are in proper health. Never follow the curve of the toenail. Cut straight across before filing down the edges to be smooth.

  • Be careful at salons—while most are appropriately sterilized, some are not. Be sure you have gone to a facility that sterilizes their equipment. If a nail salon is unclean, you will need to take a trip to your podiatrist.

  • Don’t reuse your socks—when you reuse your socks, you will find bacteria and fungus growth. Change them every day, and if you sweat profusely, you may need to change them multiple times a day to avoid other issues.

  • Always dry your feet—when you clean your feet, dry them thoroughly. Only after they have been fully dried should you put on your socks and shoes.

  • Wear protective shoes—when you are in locker rooms, gyms, pools, or bathrooms, wear the proper footwear to ensure you are not experiencing bacteria that will later lead to fungus to grow on your nails.

  • Take off the polish—you should never wear your nail polish for longer than a week. It damages the levels of keratin in your nail.

  • Ensure that your shoes can breathe—if your shoes are too tight, it creates rubbing, friction, and moisture to build up. All these things can cause discoloration to occur.

Come and see a podiatrist that can offer the help and skills that you need. Dr. James C Ricketti, in Hamilton Square, New Jersey, specializes in the best and most innovative solutions so you can be healthy and happy. Dr. Ricketti has fantastic experience and offers excellent treatment that can help you feel better. Contact us today at (609) 587-1674 for an appointment.


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